Speak Global English Video Series
Part 8 of 22:
Improving your pronunciation with tongue twisters
One of the best (and most enjoyable) ways to improve your pronunciation is by practicing tongue twisters. Really! It may just seem like play, but many stage actors, speakers and voice-over artists will agree that tongue twisters are powerful tools for warming up the muscles used for speech.
If you know that there’s a certain sound that causes you trouble, find a tongue twister that can help you practice it.
For example, if you don’t like the TH sound, and really, who does, give this tongue twister a try:
I’m thinking of 3,333 things.
Then of course, speed it up, and keep on going:
I’m thinking of 3,333 things, I’m thinking of 3,333 things, I’m thinking of 3,333 things….
If you want to work on R and L, try a common Singapore street name – a colleague of mine learned this one from her taxi driver!
River Valley Road
And faster: River Valley Road, River Valley Road, River Valley Road!
If it sounds like Liver Very Load… we’ve got a problem!
You can find more tongue twisters on my website:
or just do a google search. There are some great tongue twister databases out there!
I’ll see you tomorrow with part 9 of this 22-part Global English video series. Make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any of them. And let me know in the comments which tongue twisters you like practicing the most! See you soon!
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Awesome video and cute personality.
jermin charangkao
jermin charangkao
I like the way she pronounces the words with correct diction.Thanks for the
nice advice..
Chet Hanks
adorable & articulate woman!!
Антон Наркевич
HOW do you do this?!?!?
My favorites: The twister of twists once twisted a twist and the twist that
he twisted was a three-twisted twist. Now in twisting this twist, if a
twist should untwist, the twist that untwisted would untwist the twist. Red
Leather; Yellow Leather Do drop in at Dewdrop Inn The city sweep shook his
sooty sheet in the city street (careful with this one)
hana salvia
Try my favorite:
“three witches watch three swatch watches, which witch watches which swatch
Man Inblack
love you!
Vault Dweller
liver very load river very road river very load
Efot Lee
So cool~!
Gamer Boys
How much stuff can you stuff in your stuffy until your stuffy stuffs enough