Speak Global English Video Series
Part 6 of 22:
How native and non-native speakers hear English
A lot of my clients come to me quite confused saying that some people understand them perfectly while others don’t seem to understand a word they say.
This divide is normally along the lines of native and non-native speakers. Jean-Paul Nerriere, a Frenchman living in Japan and working for IBM was one of the first people to recognize that non-native English speakers were actually able to understand each other better when they spoke to each other than when they spoke with native English speakers!
How could this be true when they were all speaking a foreign language? Well, most (not all, but most) native English speakers grow up hearing only one language — their own variety of English. Non-native speakers hear many different kinds of English as they learn the language, and therefore have a “better ear” when it comes to understanding others.
Native speakers also listen for subtle nuances of the language that non-native speakers don’t particularly care about. We listen for word stress and intonation patterns to give us more information. Non-native speakers ignore all of that to focus more on vocabulary.
So this is why we can end up having more miscommunication when native speakers are involved. We hear the English language differently.
This is why it’s just as important for native speakers to pay attention to their speech in international settings and also make an honest effort to understand others. Non-native speakers, I’ll also be sharing some tips with you in upcoming videos as to how you can speak in a way that native speakers can better understand.
If you’d your teams to start paying closer attention to their speech, visit
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I have faced many problems exactly as you mentioned, but I will work with
stress of words. Thank you very much
It all depends on who you speak with on a regular basis. If you speak with
native speakers the most, then the stress could be your problem. If you
speak with other non-native speakers, it shouldn’t make much of a
difference. Where do you live?
I am living in Delaware now but I will move to NC on Fall to attend school
of Law at Wake Forest University.
Very cool! I have family in NC! Ok then, really think about how you stress
your words, and also, which words you stress in your sentences and where
you pause. It’s possible you’re having more trouble with the patterning and
flow of the language in your communication.
I think this video’s transcript is wrong at some places
If I can understand almost everything at all spoken in Eng. regardless rate
of speech or accent , does it mean i master fairly well ?
Hi Robert! Understanding is just one element of language mastery. If you
can understand many varieties of English, that’s excellent, and it means
you have good listening abilities. To “master” a language, you also need to
think about your speech, pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. Does
everyone you speak with understand you as well as you understand them?
Do you mean the closed caption, Linh? Those are automated by YouTube and
the system is still in beta. I haven’t uploaded a word-for-word transcript.
If you’re referring to the written description under the video, it probably
isn’t exact either. I usually deviate from things I write, or I write the
description after filming, loosely basing it on what I said. Hope that
clarifies. 🙂
Well, I do hope so despite small mistakes here and there .On the other
hand, it ‘s sometimes hard to be understood perfectly not being native.
Well, that’s where I come in!! I specialize in how people can be best
understood by everyone, everywhere, every time. Native or non-native, all
over the world. I hope you enjoy my other videos! I have a playlist on
Global English that you might find interesting. 🙂
Yep, I;m going to have a look at them , must say latest ones were helpful a
lot !
I will be teaching Pronunciation to Thai people…..how do I start? thanka
How native and non-native speakers hear ENGISH differently.
Then add American, British accents, and add the various accents in the US, English can get real hard. Just pick one and stay with it 🙂
I am trying to get one as neutral as possible (that means one that has good pronunciation but doesn't sound like it comes from anywhere)
+Kurone Shizuhi best is to convers with locals and get it right. My English has Inian, British and American influences 🙂
Technically speaking +Chris Veerabadran, English is my first language. I don't see why Singaporeans can't be labeled as native english speakers. *sighs
+Kurone Shizuhi Don't worry what they label, I met a few Singaporeans here in my state, they speak much better than other Asian speakers. In India recently they're being taught to speak the American way, some of them sound like Americans.
Native caucasian speakers cannot get over the Singaporean accent. Hur hur hur. It's better to type.
+Kurone Shizuhi , when i saw you watching this i thought it was a yoga-related video or some self-improvement blah blah.
yes +黒音りん she does look like some self-improvement teacher. ahahaha. nah, I want to get a neutral accent to better do voice-over jobs.
+Kurone Shizuhi
I've always wanted to do voice over work.
Hi +MsMercury, thanks for your comment 🙂 I'm also aiming for the same industry, so let's work hard together!
The problem is I'm not sure if ageism is a problem in this industry. I'm 45. Plus I don't live in a major city. I don't know what kind of work I'd find here or how to go about finding it. I just know it would be something I would be good at. I like to talk. 😉
I see, I think it's best you consult Google for this, since this varies from country to country ^^
Oh I know, Kurone. I was just sort of "thinking out loud" so to speak. I'm from the southern part of the U.S and I can have a pretty heavy southern accent BUT I can also be neutral when I want to.
+Kurone Shizuhi The neutral accent can only be defined normatively as a given native speaker's own accent.
At the beginning I thank you for your wonderful work. I am also non-native
a speaker of English, when I listened to video absorbed and understood by
75%, but I’m having a big problems which I can’t speak fluent English as
well as rules grammatical . What can I do to improve mu language ?
Hello Heather! Well, I´d like to respectfully add some things . It comes to
me as no surprise. I understand that this situation only takes place when
people from other countries that are talking (or trying to) in English to
each other are actually not fluent english speakers. So, they tend to
simply translate their languages into english making it easy to be
understood by a fellow countryguy. Plus, there´s the speech rate that in
latin languages (for instance) are very different. Cheers!
This makes total sense to me. I learned German as a second language and
speaking with other non native German speakers from around the globe, where
German was our only means of communication, was much easier than talking to
a native German. You make the same mistakes, and often times have the same
problems making yourself understood. In essence, it’s an understanding
through misunderstanding.
The title in the beginning of the video says “Engish” rather than English.
Im not a native english speaker (:
She’s quite good looking. (:
Tip for Heather! Drink water before doing videos to avoid ANNOYING MOUTH
CLICKS! Good video though!
like what some of the other people said below when I talk to foreigners
usually stress isn’t the problem even if they get it wrong here and there,
eventually the true meaning unfolds as they near the end of their sentence.
However when they pronounce something completely wrong such as : Drapery vs
Draapory(long a), that’s when I get confused. And also usually when they
speak to foreigners, those foreigners make similar if not the same mistakes
as them, which makes it sound comprehensible to the.
Yeah, I’ve been always interested into this. But I think it’s simple. When
we, non-native speakers, learn English and when we hear someone else, even
though his grammar, pronunciation or spelling are not correct, we know what
he/she meant to say as we had the same problem or we understand the point.
There’s also example where in Croatian and Spanish there’s same logic in
grammar structure but totally different in English, so we’d probably miss
the correct English but understand each other well.
Loooooool in the beginning it’s English not Engish on the subs
you smile way too exaggerated, and the stresses in tonal changes is
entirely driving me crazy,
😀 <–exaggerated smile!
+Heather Hansen yup, you got it then
You are not even english, so how can you teach it. It just sounds like an
american speaking clearly.
Brits don't own the language, sir. Americans are just as entitled to the English language as those who hail from the language's cradle. Further, there are many more Americans than Brits, so our version is the new standard. Deal with it.
+lecherousPenguin Wrong. Americans sound bad.
wow! that was amazing!
Wow Heather !!!!!!! I just loved ur Smile …
you are so patronising
Oh my! What perfect English you speak 🙂
I guess you’re speaking primarily about non-natives with a low level of
I also wonder if we might not find that native English-speakers who speak a
second language are better able to communicate with non-native speakers of
English – either through a better grasp of what aspects of communication
are not language dependent, or through familiarity with non-native speakers
of English gained in the process of learning their language.
Every time you say “S” or “C” my ears are bleeding.
Could I have the reference for Jean-Paul ‘Merier?’ please? (whom you
mention at 0.36)
Jean-Paul Nerrier at http://www.globish.com 🙂
Thank you Heather. Nice talk, excellent diction.
too many americans and canadians doing these vids. can someone do this vid
from england
Why, I could understand you perfectly and I can not understand a movie or
song ??
You talked in a conversational speed, didn’t you ?
Thank you