If you are interested in reading any of the background material that shapes my approach to teaching pronunciation, here is a list of the books and articles on my bookshelf. Most of these references are more suitable for teachers than students. If the articles are available for free online, I’ve included links. My favorites for each category are marked with an asterisk (*). As I continue my own learning, I’ll be adding to this list. If you know of any other great resources that aren’t listed here, please mention them in the comments!
International English / English as a Lingua Franca
Crystal D. 2003. English as a Global Language (2nd edn.). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Jenkins J. 1998. ‘Which Pronunciation Norms and Models for English as an International Language?’ ELT Journal 52/2: 119-26.
* Jenkins J. 2000. The Phonology of English as an International Language. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jenkins J. 2003. ‘Community, currency and the lingua franca core’. TESOL-SPAIN Newsletter, 27:3-6. http://www.tesol-spain.org/newsletter/jenkins.pdf
Jenkins J. 2007. English as a Lingua Franca: Attitude and Identity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Melchers, G. and Shaw P. 2003. World Englishes. London: Arnold.
Nerriere J. and Hon D. 2009. Globish The World Over. International Globish Institute
Teaching International English Pronunciation
Jenkins J. 2002. A Sociolinguistically Based, Empirically Researched Pronunciation Syllabus for English as an International Language. Applied Linguistics 23/1: 83-103.
* Walker R. 2010. Teaching the Pronunciation of English as a Lingua Franca. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Teaching General English Pronunciation
Brazil D. 1994. Pronunciation for Advanced Learners of English: Teacher’s Book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Celce-Murcia M., Brinton D. and Goodwin J. 1996. Teaching Pronunciation: A Reference for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Deterding, D. and Poedjosoedarmo, G. 1998. The Sounds of English: Phonetics & Phonology for English Teachers in Southeast Asia. Singapore: Prentice Hall.
Kenworthy, J. 1987. Teaching English Pronunciation. Harlow: Longman.
Underhill,A. 2005. Sound Foundations: Learning and Teaching Pronunciation (2nd edn.). Oxford: Macmillan.
Other General Phonetics & Phonology
Ladefoged, P. 2001. A Course in Phonetics (4th edn.). Fort Worth: Harcourt College Publishers.
Trudgill, P. 1994. Dialects. London: Routledge.
Student Coursebooks
* Baker, A. 2006. Ship or Sheep: An Intermediate Pronunciation Course. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Brazil D. 1994. Pronunciation for Advanced Learners of English: Student’s Book. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hancock, M. 2003. English Pronunciation in Use: Intermediate. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hewings, M. 2007. English Pronunciation in Use: Advanced. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Dictionaries & References
Jones, D. 2003. English Pronouncing Dictionary. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Davies, M. and Gardner, D. 2010. A Frequency Dictionary of Contemporary American English. New York: Routledge.
Singapore English
* Brown, A. 1999. Singapore English in a Nutshell. Singapore: Federal.
Deterding, D. 2007. Singapore English. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press Ltd.
Deterding, D., Brown, A. and Low, E. 2005. English in Singapore: Phonetic Research on a Corpus. Singapore: McGraw Hill.
Low, E. and Brown, A. 2005. English in Singapore: An Introduction. McGraw Hill.
If you’d like to learn more about clear speech and pronunciation, please visit me at http://bit.ly/free8-partproncourse and sign up for my free, 8-part pronunciation short course.
I’ll see you there!
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Very interesting! I will have a look at some of them. I have used “Better English Pronunciation” by JD O’Connor (Cambridge 1967, reprinted 1987) which I found quite useful, with a very good chapter on full sentences and intonation.